Type Type Heavy Blasters are large high-powered rifles that deliver superior damage and/or speed in exchange for range and accuracy. Weight The weapon was essentially a pistol conversion of the E-11 blaster rifle, but used a notoriously unstable mix of blaster gases that could cause it to explode. Heavy blaster pistols are pure combat weapons, designed from the ground up to pack as much firepower into as small a frame as possible. Then you should be a fan of this! Item View for Heavy Blaster Pistol Category: Ranged Weapon, SubCategory: Blaster Pistol Older Pistols.

This weapon was commonly used by members of the Security Officer Corps. The CR-2 heavy blaster pistol was a basic yet durable heavy blaster pistol used by the Royal Naboo Security Forces. Security S-5 Affiliation heavy blaster to be used in their own movie Drop Enemies of the Republic (Coruscant - X: 955, Y: 4375) Coil-Cell Needler. The Aqualish weapon designer Amda Wabo carried a heavy blaster pistol. The latter was used in conjunction with a liquid-cable shooter attachment a quick customization that turned the S-5 pistol into a durable ascension gun (as an ascension gun, the S-5's liquid-cable could hold up to 500 kilograms). Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community.

The S-5 blaster pistol was used extensively during the Battle of Naboo. Physical and technical specifications sone of my works, concept and 3d model ,for 3d printing.for fans from the USA. Another example of a famous wielder was the smuggler and war hero Han Solo. Cost Additionally, an S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistol carries 10 microdarts, which can be fired at a range of up to 6 squares. Model It is one of the coolest looking blasters, but also very unique with that grapple gun feature. According to underworld rumor, the legendary bounty hunter Aurra Sing met her end because of Beckett’s pistols. DIY DT-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol (Greedo's Battlefront Version) Watch later. A fan of star wars? Firing a focused beam of charged plasma, the CR-2 is reliable and easy to maintain. Stun Setting: Free action to switch to stun to cause strain instead of normal damage.